

Mother: Sirius

Father: Villard Blanc

A white Piwi/disease resistant variety that eliminates the need for pesticides. Wines produced from Villaris grapes are often reminiscent of white Burgundy wines in terms of the smell and taste.

The early ripening results in independent wines with an appealing acidity.


Mother: Rotberger x Reichensteiner

Father: Chancellor

It is resistant to mildew as well as botrytis, a so called called PIWI (pilzwiderstandsfähig) variety. It is an early ripening and high yielding vine with solid red-blue grapes in large, relatively loose, clusters. It gives an elegant harmonious wine with a good mouthfeel and a fruity aroma. The grape is used for red wine, rosé and as a table grape.


Mother: Chambourcin Father: Muller Thurgau

A popular choice with commercial growers because of the moderate acidity, high fruit and sugar yields leading to higher alcohol content. The deep berry colours make for colour intensive wines. Very good resistance against the most significant fungus attacks such as Downy Mildew and is considered one of the best dark grapes in terms of all round disease resistance.


Mother: Bacchus

Father: Villard Blanc

A multi-purpose grape, suitable for eating, juicing and wine -making with relatively few seeds and good disease resistance - a good choice for organic producers.

Bred in Germany in the late 1960s ‘Phoenix’ is a mid-season hybrid (September ripening) famed for its resistance to powdery mildew and excellent quality fruit. The grapes are large, in densely packed bunches, with a light muscat aroma and flavour.